Enjoy Your Honeymoon with The Peace and Tranquillity of a Bedarra Island resort

Would you like to honeymoon in your very own Shangri-La? Book your stay at a Bedarra Island resort, a tranquil, peaceful, secluded island off the coast of northern Queensland in the Great Barrier Reef. Spend your days romancing on the quiet beaches of this secluded retreat connecting with your partner. Enjoy gorgeous weather, the sparkling clear waters of the Coral Sea, and the white sandy beaches.

The atmosphere at a Bedarra Island resort is one of passion, romance and of simple but luxurious comfort. You will stay at the Island beach house, a beautiful pavilion structure that offers you all of the comforts of home and more. The floor plan is open with a large master bedroom, modern kitchen, and indoor and outdoor dining areas. A gas BBQ is available, and you can relax on the house’s timber decks. The house is unique in that it is fully eco-friendly. It runs on solar power, and the water system connects to a local spring. The house is fully Eco Tourism Certified.

Our Bedarra Island resort will provide you with memories that will last a lifetime. Take the time to connect with your new spouse. You will have the opportunity to take fishing trips, kayak, snorkel, tour the islands, and much more. The best part of your stay is that you just get to relax and get away from reality.

To learn more about booking a honeymoon at our resort, go to the online booking calendar (http://www.bedarrabeachhouse.com.au/booking.html). You can click Booking & Enquiries for further assistance.